Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14, 2008 - FIVE DAYS!

It's Race Week

First, make that a correction--SEVEN of your staff ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday--Clint Hough and Bob Karel, a couple of our key all-around utility staff guys were there too! It was two weeks in a row for Clint, since he ran the staff run with us a week ago as well. What an animal!

Well, how's it going? Your long runs are over. It's RACE WEEK!! Friday we'll be setting up. Saturday is the expo. It's a crazy time here in Grand Rapids!

Just a couple tips: Go to the website. Look at the Race Day Instructions. Review the Frequently Asked Questions.

Now, if you still have concerns, here's the deal. This race is put on by a seasoned staff. We're taking care of you out there--including lots of hydration and nutrition on the course. Portajohns at every aid station. And lots of woods to duck into just in case you can't wait for the portajohn. (Please learn to identify poison ivy before using this option!!)

Prepare! If you don't like GU and would prefer one of the other energy gels, bring it with you. Whatever you think you're going to need, bring it just in case. There will be lots of stuff for sale at the expo too, if you forget something.

Weather--there are about 20 different places that you can get a GR Weather Report online. Yet someone always asks me what the weather is supposed to be. Well, I'd like it to be ideal conditions and it's looking right now like it might be, however, if the weather gets really bad, we're going to hold the race outdoors. (Hey Shane--I actually wrote this BEFORE I got your email!)

Other than that, I might have time to discuss weather next week sometime.
Sunday will be the greatest day of my year. It's a day when all the preparation comes together. It's a day when I stand at the FINISH LINE and greet each of you as you cross it. It's a time of celebration--when many of you meet the challenges you've set out for yourselves. There's nothing like it!

Can't wait to see you there.

Charity Update
Carrie has been raising money like crazy for Safe Haven Ministries. She sent me this article:

Well, the week is finally here and for some of you, like me, this is your first full marathon. If that is the case, I am feeling all those anxieties, fears, excitements and nerves that you are. My name is Carrie and after seeing the documentary "Spirit of a Marathon," I felt compelled to run my marathon for an organization that not only has impacted me, but also has impacted our society. Many of you are doing the same. To charity runners, the marathon is not just a challenging run to push yourself to limits and test your perseverance, but instead it is a run of representation. As a domestic violence survivor, I am running to represent all the women and children who have been through, or are still going through, a domestic violence relationship. In my survivor's story on my website, I stated, I run for awareness, I run for Safe Haven Ministries, but I also run for all the women who still today struggle with the feelings of shame and fear of escaping from the situation in which they find themselves. The knowledge and experience I received through working with my charity has been rewarding and because of this, I have been able to gain confidence in myself to open up and share my story with others in hopes that it will impact them as much as other stories of domestic violence has impacted me. With this, even after the marathon I hope to continue to help this organization and others in changing the community for the good.

Each step we take as charity runners is reminder of the reason we are running. It is a reminder of those who have been apart of, or impacted by, the charity you represent. When we are at are lowest throughout the run and feel as if there is little physical ability to keep going, look back and remind yourself not only what you are running for, but also who you are running for. I know those thoughts and reminders will push me through every mile and when I cross the finish line, I won't just be crossing it for myself, but rather for all those I represent through my charity. I wish all you runners well and that God will provide us all the energy, strength and endurance through 26.2 miles.

--Carrie A. Farrell--


Several GRM wallpapers for the KM and GRM are available on the website on the home page. Check out some of the great stuff the Highland Group has been doing for us this year.

Oh--the color of the shirts? London. I'd like to tell you that the color is named after the city that is bringing the most Canadians to Michigan to run our race, but actually, it's just what Brooks calls the color GRAY.

See you in FIVE DAYS

and the adventure continues....

Don Kern
Race Director

Sunday, October 12, 2008

7 Days. NO! 6

Fun in Chicago

It was a HOT day in Chicago today, and I just got home at about 9:30 or so, so I'm just combining the 7 & 6 countdown email.

It's hard for me to run a marathon without getting choked up at least once or twice. Today, I saw one of the cancer charity shirts that got me. Many of them had a gray ribbon printed in memory of someone else. Or a pink one to honor someone who's still alive or a survivor. This shirt had two gray ribbons and a pink one. It said by the gray ribbons, "I'll miss them." Then below, by the pink one, "But this one is for me. 122 days and counting cancer free." As I passed him, I grabbed his shoulder, smiled at him and said "Good for you, man," which was about as much as I could do without getting too emotional. I saw a big scar just below his chin, evidence of his recent surgery. He thanked me, smiling, knowing that his brief story-on-the-back-of-a-shirt had given a positive message.

Meanwhile, your marathon staff added at least five to its total number of marathons, which I believe is about 500. I'll let you know later this week. The lovely Francine finished her 50th marathon-or-longer race today. Lynne (Volunteer Coordinator), and Rick the pace team guy were also there pacing. Rich Hunefeld (Relay Coordinator) also ran today.

As the 26 mile mark came into view, I saw my first GR Marathon shirt of the day. (It was pretty hot for long sleeves.) I passed and asked "Where did you get that cool shirt?" "Grand Rapids" I introduced myself. She ran up beside me to talk for a minute and went on ahead. She waited for me in the finishing area to talk for a few minutes. I don't remember your name, but you did say you still read my emails. So email back and tell me who your were.

Ontario 109. Indiana 103. .

Interview to Air on WGVU!
Friday we recorded an interview with Shelly Irwin, local runner, radio host, and pretty cool person at WGVU, our local NPR station. I was joined in the studio by Steve Kaiser--the head of marketing at Sportwax--our newsletter sponsor.

So, if you're interested, Monday morning, we'll be on somewhere between 9:00 am and 9:30. Frequencies are 88.5 fm/1480 am in Grand Rapids, and 850 am/95.3 fm on the Lakeshore. Give a listen. I can't promise, but you might hear something that inspires you.

Aside from all the good stuff Chris is doing for the Every Stride 5K, we've got one more little thing. If you run the race wearing your Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon, kids marathon, or volunteer shirt, we'll put you into a drawing for one of two free entries to our 2009 race!

See you in SEVEN. NO! SIX!

and the adventure continues....

Don Kern
Race Director

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Eight Days to Go!

8 Days to Go!!

Remember when running to the mailbox and back was painful?
Remember when you went over 10 miles for the first time? (You HAVE gone over 10 miles, haven't you?)

It's a miracle. It used to be impossible. Now it isn't. And you're still the same person. Well, maybe not. Your're a BETTER person.

Remember that on race day. You've made a plan. You've worked it. You've run the miles. You're amazing. Race day is when you prove that. To yourself. To your mother. To your kids. Everyone you know will move you up a notch on their coolness scale. I'm looking forward to seeing into your eyes at the finish line on October 19th.

Velocity Challenged. What's that?

Well, there are fast people. There are half-fast people. And there are Velocity Challenged people.

Some people think they may fit that category. Our "guideline" is that if you're going to run slower than a six-hour marathon pace, you might like to take the 7:00 start. If you're planning on less than five hours, definitely wait and start at 8:00.

And a couple recommendations--check the website for Frequently Asked Questions as well as the Race Day Instruction page.

Ontario 108. Indiana 103. A Canadian living in Indiana ask if I'd sing both anthems. Actually, we have someone doing the Star Spangled Banner for us already. She's probably better at it than I am anyway.

World Record Holder coming back to do it again! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Last year, Neil Sauter emailed me. "I'm a professional stilt-walker, and a clown. I'd like to know if it's OK for me to do the marathon on stilts."

I wrote back and told him he was the third one that day to ask me that.

Anyway, Neil showed up, walked a marathon on stilts, broke the only known record by around an hour, and raised a bunch of cash for United Cerebral Palsy.

And he's coming to do it again!! You can read a little about his exploits in the following blog entry:


Friday, October 10, 2008

9 Days to Go!!

9 Days to Go!!
DO THIS TOMORROW::Run Thru the Rapids. It's a great warmup run. And it's supposed to be a beautiful day too! Runthrutherapids.com
Now, let's talk about one of my favorite things--Parking. Ah! I remember in my youth, when I would pretend to run out of gas....



Someone asked me about parking in the YMCA lot. Here's the short answer to that: NO! Even if you're a member!

That lot is for people who are working out at the Y.

There's good news though--Across the street from the YMCA to the east and to the west are two MASSIVE public parking lots.

Something else--if you're northbound on US-131 and get off the Pearl Street Exit, instead of turning left at the bottom of the ramp, go straight through to the next street (Bridge) and turn left. Drive under the freeway and either turn left on Mt. Vernon or on Seward to access Dash 7 or Dash 9 parking lots. It'll save you waiting in traffic for quite a few minutes.

Also, if you're staying in one of the downtown hotels, don't even drive to the race site--it's a real easy walk and a ton less hassle.

Ontario 108. Indiana 103. Ontario is still fighting them off. Can Canada get enough people to make me sing O! Canada at the starting line?

Update on the Paul McMullen article
Yesterday you read a really inspirational piece by Paul here--however, while I was being really inspired I failed to notice that he had a typo on the race time--it really starts at 8:00.

Of course, he could just have figured on giving you all an hour head start. No, that probably wasn't it.

Spirit of the Marathon to play on Race Weekend!


By special arrangement with Celebration! Cinema , we will be presenting Spirit of the Marathon for two viewings on race weekend

Fri. Oct. 17: 7:30 pm
Sat. Oct. 18: 3:00 pm

Both shows at Celebration! Cinema North at Knapp Corners. You can get tickets online, or at the theatre.

Psst.. Hey Buddy. Wanna buy a hat?

They're quite washable with a crushable bill. So you don't have to worry about them going through the washer and dryer. You might want to make sure you close the Velcro closure at the back though, so it doesn't hook onto one of your technical shirts or something.

Only ten bucks, plus $2 in shipping. Click here to order

Where's the Love???
You probably figured I get a little good-natured guff from people from time to time. Here's an email I got a couple days ago:

I have enjoyed this newsletter since I signed up for the race but... Where is the love?!? You've got up to 1100 people signed up for the half marathon that are getting these emails and all that we read about is the marathon. Granted, our accomplishment will be half that of the marathoners' but to some of us 13.1 is a very big deal. In my particular case (and I'm sure that I'm not alone) the 19th will either be the pinnacle of my running career or a springboard to a marathon next summer. See you at the race, Chris S.

Well...Chris has a point.

I watched an episode of the Simpsons once (probably the only one I've ever watched in its entirety) about medical marijuana. "The doctor said it's a gateway drug." Homer said. Maybe the half-marathon is like that. We lure you in and get you hooked! Then we move you up to something even more addicting!!

Many of you are trying 13.1 for the first time ever. Some are doing one leg of a relay and it's the farthest you've ever run. And I'm no less impressed than with those who do the 26.2. You're all awesome!! And we'll treat you that way all weekend!

But I need to warn you though--you just might get hooked.

Slight correction--the volunteers at Steelcase stuffing the race packets aren't just retired ladies. They're retired gentlemen as well!!

Want a sneak peak at the medal? http://flickr.com/photos/rudymalmquist/

I think it'll look good on you.

See you in NINE!

and the adventure continues....

Don Kern
Race Director

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10 Says to Go!!

Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon NewsletterSponsored by Sportwax 9 October 2008

10 Days to Go!!
My garage looks like a warehouse. The UPS people are here almost every day. I have mylar blankets. Medals. Socks. Volunteer shirts.

Yesterday Ken Lusk (the course guy) and I dropped off the packet-stuffing material to Steelcase, where a bunch of retired ladies will be putting it into your race packets.

I stopped at Versatility and picked up the staff shirts and the volunteer shirts. Your race shirts are looking pretty nice too. Brooks Podium long sleeve shirts, this year in a color they call "London" but being a guy, I'd just call it gray. Looks nice though.

Today I'll take my GPS out and relocate the 21 mile mark that the City of Grand Rapids so nicely painted over a couple weeks ago.

Lynne is still looking for a few last-minute volunteers. If you're interested, or know someone who is, email her directly, loosterh@comcast.net

Sunday morning I'm working the Run Thru the Rapids 5K or 10K. It's a perfect taper run. Check the link below.

And after the just-turned-nine-yesterday Carly finishes her 5K (like mother, like daughter) the lovely Francine, Dr. Rick the pickle juice guy, Lynne, Penguin-pace team pacers Paully & Christina and I will be heading to Chicago to pace the Chicago Marathon.

Ontario 105. Indiana 102. Indiana continues to close the gap. Can Canada get enough people to make me sing O! Canada at the starting line?

Olympian Paul McMullen Will Run the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon
In 2005, Paul ran his first marathon, here in Grand Rapids. I still remember in the post-race interview, he said, "I didn't respect the distance. Now I do."

He sent me an email yesterday, talking about running. Here's what he had to say:

What is the deal with running?

Running is by definition a way to cover ground quickly and has proven to be one of the most attractive attributes in a member of society since the beginning of time.

In early times fast runners ate better than slow runners. They also performed as scouts warning their tribes of enemy troop movements. Today, runners deal with stress well and are typically more emotionally balanced. They are doers and discover solutions before the sedentary. They intimately know their neighborhood. They come up with great ideas during long miles of breathing, sweating, and pounding. Runners have passion; they are willing to suffer a long time for something they want. They are not interested in instant gratification or a quick high; they plan, prepare, and execute until they achieve their goal.

The most respected runners since early times were those that could run the marathon. The marathon is the most revered of all the distances. It is 26.2 miles of shear fortitude and focus.
Now we have cars, cell phones, and satellites, why do people run the marathon? The marathon is a microcosm of our lives and provides us insight into who we are and what we are made of. A marathon event and the training associated to prepare for one is the opportunity to identify with others like us.

On race day we see thousands of runners going in the same direction. It is a phenomenon of positive momentum. It is a moment at which we all in unison draw the line in the sand AGAINST several things: most notably, procrastination and laziness, age and gender, and quitting and getting fat. Most importantly during a marathon you are guaranteed to see the human spirit at its best.

I will attempt to complete my fourth marathon on September 19, 2008 at 8:00am in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have only completed two of the three I have attempted. I am a 1996 Olympic mile runner and will go way beyond my specialty in an attempt to gain some self-prespective.

There is only one thing I know for sure: I know I will be tested beyond what I can imagine, the distance is too long for me to run alone and it will take me looking to my fellow competitors and remembering the people that I have sweated and trained with for inspiration if I plan to finish strong.

Paul McMullen, 1996 Olympian, Spring Lake, Michigan

This Week on The Marathon Minute!
A life of adventure--Marathons have opened a lot of doors for me. Adventures all over the world. If you can run 26.2, you can do ANYTHING

Every Wednesday at 6:22 and 7:22 a.m., from now until the marathon, you can tune to News Radio WOOD 1300 for a minute of fun and inspiration featuring my mom's favorite race director. And if you miss it on the radio, you can always catch it at marathonminute.com.
Click here for this week's Marathon Minute Sponsored by the Gordon Water

And, if you missed a few, you can get to all the Marathon Minutes by going to marathonminute.com

Psst.. Hey Buddy. Wanna buy a hat?

They're quite washable with a crushable bill. So you don't have to worry about them going through the washer and dryer. You might want to make sure you close the Velcro closure at the back though, so it doesn't hook onto one of your technical shirts or something.

Only ten bucks, plus $2 in shipping. Click here to order

October 11, 2008
Run Thru the Rapids 5K & 10K at the David D. Hunting YMCA

October 18, 2008:9:00 am - 6:00 pm Health and Fitness Expo & Packet Pickup - 3rd Floor, David D Hunting YMCA 1:00 pm Kids run the final 1.2 miles of their Marathon
October 19, 2008:6:00 am Packet Pickup at the David D Hunting YMCA7:00 am "Velocity Challenged" start for Marathon and Half-Marathon8:00 am Start of the Marathon, Half-Marathon, and Marathon Relay

October 25, 2008
Every Stride 5K & 10K and Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Post Race Celebration. Candlestone Golf & Resort.

Where's the love? It isn't just a marathon--it's a half marathon too. Many people are challenging themselves by running the half-marathon, and the relay. I'll write some more about that tomorrow, I promise. ;-)

Until tomorrow--remember what Bill and Ted said:

"Be excellent to each other." "Party on Dudes!"

See you in ten!
and the adventure continues....

Don Kern
Race Director

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Announces LIFETIME ENTRY Program


Donald Kern
Race Director
Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon
Phone 616 293 3145 (Cell)cooladventures@aol.com

Alan Headbloom
Media Relations Coordinator
Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon
Phone 616 892 3400 (Office)
Phone 616 666 5676 (Cell)alan@headbloom.com

Be a Marathoner for Life
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 15 May 2008. The Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon has done it again. The small friendly marathon in West Michigan which brought you celebrity pace teams, beer and chili in the finish area, and a hug from the race director at the finish line has come up with a new innovation: a lifetime of guaranteed racing.

Beginning in 2008, marathoners have the chance to sign up for the Lifetime Entry Program and run every Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon (GRM) until they retire from running. Why a lifetime of entries? According to GRM race director Don Kern, “Marathons can be expensive. Fees go up every year. They also go up if you wait until closer to the event.”

The Lifetime Entry Program gives a runner a permanent race number and entry to either the full or half-marathon for the rest of his/her life. This is the only lifetime entry program known among road racing. In addition to the yearly race shirt, runners receive a special edition shirt and VIP treatment at all future races.

The 2008 cost for the permanent entry is $650 and is not transferable to other runners. For math-savvy runners, the calculations are simple: At normal rates of increase, Kern estimates a runner will break even within 5 years--sooner if they are the kind of people who wait until the last minute to register and pay late entry fees.

To sign up for this year’s race or all future races, runners should go online to www.grandrapidsmarathon.com.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's River Bank Run Week!!!!

It's River Bank Run Week in Grand Rapids. For most of us, it's kinda like a holiday. We have a great 25K run with lots of friends, then spend the rest of the day at various parties, cookouts, etc. enjoying each other's company and, of course, an adult beverage or two.

At the Fifth Third River Bank Run expo we'll have a booth. Stop by and say hello, and pick up a campaign button or two. Who's running? Everybody, of course! And, for those who haven't registered, there's five bucks off at the booth.

Wait! That's not fair! What about those of you who are out of town? OK, the online registration form will allow you a $5 discount through SATURDAY ONLY if you put in referral code "RBR08" when you register. Good for either full or half marathon.

A couple other things--we're going to start a regular mailing list program through Constant Contact, so even if you unsubscribe to all of my emails that come to you through these mailings, you'll get one of the new ones soon, so you'll have to unsubscribe again if you really think that's necessary. I don't recommend it, however.

You all know that Celebration! Cinema is one of our sponsors this year. Cool thing--they're giving away movie tickets again. Check it out:

First five to respond gets 4 Tickets each - Speed Racer IMAX experience!!

IMAX: The Ultimate Movie Experience!

SPEED RACER: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE, from the creators of ‘The Matrix’ Trilogy, has been digitally re-mastered into the unparalleled image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience®. Hurtling down the track, careening around, over and through the competition, Speed Racer is a natural behind the wheel. Born to race cars, Speed is aggressive, instinctive and, most of all, fearless. His only real competition is the memory of the brother he idolized-the legendary Rex Racer - whose death in a race has left behind a legacy that Speed is driven to fulfill.

SPEED RACER: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE is distributed exclusively by Warner Bros. Pictures.

To win, send me an email with "Speed Racer" as the subject line. First five win.

And, it's not just for grownups any more! It's the Bagel Beanery Grand Rapids Kids Marathon. That's right, one of our sponsors that's been with us since YEAR ONE is now coming on board as title sponsor of our kid's marathon. Last year, nearly 400 kids ran 25 miles in training before coming to run the final 1.2 miles on the course to finish a marathon worth of miles! This year, we're expecting 1000 for a very spirited run on Saturday afternoon before all you big kids get to run. Stay tuned for more details!

Lifetime Entry! A new program we're doing this year. For $650, you can enter FOR LIFE! Good for either the full or half marathon in any given year, you'll get a permanent bib number, VIP treatment, a special running shirt or singlet every year, and the envy of all your friends. Keep an eye on the website for more details.

Rudy's busy getting the revisions made to the website for our 2008 campaign. Stay tuned for more details.

See you all at the River Bank Run this weekend!

and the adventure continues....

P.S. And the winners are:
Barry Paxton
Erin Antecki
Libby Jennings
Jonathan Helder
Brian Keas

Friday, March 21, 2008

And the ticket winners are....

The following lucky winners get two passes to see Run Fat Boy Run at Celebration! Cinema:

Carol Reiss
Jim Hook
Irene Fountain
Suzanne Kozloski
Mike Hill

You can pick up your tickets at the Concierge desk at Celebration! Cinema North (Knapp Corners) any time starting on Monday, 3/24. They'll have this list of names there.

And for the bunches of you who are still emailing me - like numbers 6 through 100 or so, I AM happy that you're still reading my emails. See you in October, if not before.

21 March 2008 - Good Friday Runner Email

SPRING! About time, eh? The grass may still be brown, but at least we can finally see it!

Celebration! Cinema has come on board as a sponsor of the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon.

And, here's the first cool thing about that: There's a new running movie in town--Run Fat Boy Run.
A chunky, clueless guy leaves his pregnant fiancée on their wedding day only to discover -- 5 years later-- that she is his one true love. But in order to win back her heart, he looks to finish his first marathon while making her realize her new man is the wrong guy for her.


Now, for those of you here in the Grand Rapids area, Celebration! is giving 5 pairs of movie passes for this show. They will go to the first five people to email me--and I'll post the names in the blog that you can find on our website and you'll be able to pick tup the tickets at Celebration! Cinema North.

Caveat: If you recognize your training methods in the movie, you might want to rethink that just a bit. But you have until October to whip yourself into shape.

GOOD FRIDAY IN HISTORY--It was Friday the 13th, 2001 that my buddy Shawn and I put on the Frogger 5.5K race at the Hair of the Frog Brewery.
If you want to read the whole sordid story, http://www.cooladventures.net/Frogger/frogger%20story.htm

Anyone else going to run in Olathe Kansas next weekend?

So, that's what I know for now. Have a Good Friday everybody.

and the adventure continues....

Don Kernwww.grandrapidsmarathon.com

Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon

www.grandrapidsmarathon.com Don Kern, Race Director - cooladventures@aol.com 616 293 3145