Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Runner Email 29 August 2007

Here's a couple of items--

We're now over 1000 runners for this year's event! That's some pretty good growth over what we had last year at this point, and with the price increase coming up after the 31st, the registrations are coming in pretty fast at the moment.

Cap? Right now we've got lots of room in both races. So we probably won't hit the cap for a while yet.

Cap? Oh yeah! We have some embroidered (I seem to have a hard time spelling that word) running hats this year. They've got the guy in the leaf logo on the front. Pretty nice hats. They'll be for sale at only $15.00.

Sportwax, that all-natural anti-friction product that debutted at our marathon two years ago is still one of our sponsors!! They have a coupon for $2.00 off at Gazelle Sports good through Oct 29. It's at gazellesportwaxcoupon.pdf if you'd like one.

Oh! The Kids Marathon. It's a new thing. Big Feat for Little Feet!! Check it out on our website. Kids will run 25 miles throughout the school year, and on Saturday before our marathon, they'll run the last 1.2 miles on the marathon course to complete their 26.2. It's free for kids, and easy to sign up on line. Check it out on our website. Next week it'll be featured on the Marathon Minute as well - check it out at

Two months to go!

and the adventure continues....
Don Kern

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Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Don Kern, Race Director - 616 293 3145