Monday, October 22, 2007

The Joy of Six

Six Days to the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon.

We ran the course yesterday. Everything looked great. We even had a roving aid station organized by Terence's wife Tina. Nice. Chocolate chip cookies too!!

Today I'm going to download the database and take it over to Joe at Classic Race Management so he can finish assigning numbers.

Which brings me to a story about our packet pickup chair, Kathy Haase--Last year, I sent her the runner list so she could get her staff ready. She sent me back an email, telling me that she had sorted it by race and alphabetically so she could post it for people to look up their numbers.

"WHAT?? I didn't know we even asked RACE on the application! How did you do that? What difference does it make what color anyone is anyway?" She really had me wondering for a minute there.

"NO, YOU IDIOT. By "race" I mean Full Marathon or Half Marathon."

"Oh. Never mind."

And now, a word or two about this weekend. Many of you are going to have questions. On the website, check the FAQ page, the Relay page, or the Race Day Info page. You'll notice something on the Race Day page that you don't usually see at all those other marathons. See if you can figure it out.

and the adventure continues....

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Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Don Kern, Race Director - 616 293 3145